Guess who’s back, back, back again..

Hey. Hi. Hello. Salaam. Bonjour. Salut. Ciao. Ahoj. Bog. Marhaba. Ola. πŸ˜€ Β (Do I need a new greeting? The sister says this one’s gone stale. πŸ€”)Β 


EID MUBARAK to all those who celebrate. (Delaayyyed, I know.) πŸ™ˆ I hope you all had a spiritually uplifting Ramadhaan and a joyous Eid, Insha Allah. 🌸

So, we’ve reached the end of Season 3. Say whaaa?! 😯 It feels like I was writing this about Season 2 just the other day, oh my worrrd!

Shukran/Thanks so much to every single one of you – followers, commenters, silent readers. You have no idea how much the fact that you take the time to read my inconsistent amateur writing means to me. I truly appreciate it. β€πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ


Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to fit all that I wanted into Season 3. After where we currently are in the story, a short period of time passes in the lives of the characters before joining up at the beginning again. Actually, just Rameez’s life, since we were in his past. In my head, it all makes sense (duh πŸ˜‚) and the story ties up perrrfectly. Obviously for you’ll it might be confusing, so if you’ll have any questions, let me know.


Moving on now..

Unfortunately, writing has involuntarily slipped lower down my priority list, and I’m not too chuffed about that. You probably aren’t either. πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ

So, I told myself, instead of being an inconsistent, shabby blogger, just stop blogging.

But the thought of leaving this story unfinished.. well, not unfinished, but not ending it where I initially intended to made me feel.. like, unsatisfied. πŸ˜”

So, after much (much, much) thought, I’ve decided that the only way I’ll be able to get blogging back up on my priority list is if I have a posting deadline. Which means, I’ll have to have a posting schedule. I don’t know if it’s going to work out, but I’m going to try my best. We’ll see how it’s going after a couple of weeks and decide accordingly Insha Allah. I’ve chosenΒ SaturdayΒ as my posting day, seeing that not many other blogs post on Saturdays. If I get time for an extra post, it will go up on aΒ Wednesday.Β 

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That’s it for now. I hope you guys are all excited for Season 4, because I’m super-duper psyched!! πŸ˜€πŸŽ‰

Much Love,Β 

Troubled Illusioner. ❀

(P.S. Sorry for the blank post. I was editing and then it suddenly somehow just disappeared! πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚)Β 

13 thoughts on “Guess who’s back, back, back again..

  1. Welcome back! I like your greeting lol so leave it as it is. And a schedule is a good idea. It’s what I’ve done and I know that when Mon and Thurs comes I better jack up! Looking forward to reading what comes next❀

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